Compost Connector for Vendors

Compost assistance grants now available.

What is Compost Connector?

Have you had a customer mention Zero Foodprint or Compost Connector while making an order and want to learn more? You’ve come to the right place!

Our Compost Connector program provides grants to growers using compost purchased from composters with CalRecycle “permit” or “notification” status. The funding for this program comes from cities and counties working to meet their SB1383 compost procurement requirements. To participate in the program, a farmer provides us with some information about their compost needs before receiving notice if their grant application has been awarded. 

The farmer must provide us with a copy of the invoice from the compost facility which needs to include Zero Foodprint in the PO Field or Job Notes, have "compost" listed in the product name or description, and specify whether the compost was purchased in tons or cubic yards. Only compost products are eligible for Compost Connector grants. The grant award is sent directly to the farmer.

We intentionally keep the facilities' involvement in the process minimal - simply adding our name to the invoice - and we manage the rest. Anyone purchasing 20 or more tons of compost for use in agriculture can apply for our program. 

If you have any customers who may be interested, please consider sharing our website with them:

What documentation is required?

The invoice, which the farmer will upload, MUST include:

“Zero Foodprint” listed in the PO Field, Job Field or Job Notes 

The word "Compost" somewhere in product name or description!

Sample Invoice

How do I share this with my customers?

Some growers are receiving $24 per ton reimbursed on their order!

Send them to to fill out a contract 

Download and Distribute our Flyer

“I don’t know how to tell you how grateful we are! A normal farmer cannot have the money to get compost, especially, and we are so far from everything that, as you know, most of the cost of compost is in the delivery! It’s absolutely expensive, and farmers like us can’t afford to pay for all that. What you’re doing with Zero Foodprint grants and Compost Connector is my dream come true!”

Ofelia at Hummingbird Agrotek