Adelante Soil Cooperative

Building diverse ecosystems

Supporting plants, animals, and microbes simultaneously

Raul Martinez had come to California from Mexico in the late seventies to work as a seasonal farm laborer before becoming an upholsterer and raising a family in Los Angeles. Raul taught his children to garden and compost in their backyard, and instilled a love of soil that continues to this day. Now, brothers Michael and David Martinez are co-directors of Adelante Soil Cooperative, but really the entire family is taking on 22 acres of land with about a hundred species of native plants including Coast Live Oaks, Western Sycamores, and Laurel Sumac, which will share space with fruit trees and other food crops. 

In an area dominated by avocado groves, Adelante will stand out. They’re excited to show how food can grow with native plants, in polycultures. With three distinct microclimates on their land, the family can plant an unusual variety of fruit trees, and they are looking forward to growing mangos, papayas, pomegranates, Pakistani mulberries, Malaysian guavas, “and some avocados to stick with the community.”

Adelante Soil Co applied mulch and compost and planted trees. With these funds, these practices covered three times the area of land they otherwise would have.

1195 Tons of CO2

Riverside, CA

Compost Application

Tree & Shrub Planting

1195 Tons of CO2 • Riverside, CA • Compost Application • Tree & Shrub Planting •

“With the Restore grant, we are putting our attention on soil and soil health. We know that we are not the first practitioners of this work, we look forward to honoring those that came before us, while investing in those who will continue to steward this land for many years to come.”

Michael at Adelante Soil


Twisted Fields


Narci Organic Farms